Reply to post: Jeff Bezos hacked his own phone

Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia accused of hacking Jeff Bezos' phone with malware-laden WhatsApp message


Jeff Bezos hacked his own phone

It's been known for some time there have been various vulnerabilities within this application. Attempting to pin it on someone can get a bit difficult, unless you can also get records from the various ISPs being used by the phone.

The way Bezos acts--has acted in the past, particularly in how he uses his news paper reporters to target those he doesn't like... I wouldn't put beyond scope, that Bezos hired someone in Saudi Arabia to hack his phone so he can then have his paper (or leak it out to other reporters), that his phone was hacked. Bezos has a bit of a credibility, likeability and is a known cheater. He's looking for ways to make himself the victim, instead of the predator.

Let's get real, it's not like the images leaked were anything too compromising or made Bezos look bad. If you were out to hurt Bezos, you would have used the worst photos on the phone--and/or doctored some. Neither was the case.

Too often today, people believe everything the press (or anyone) when they say something a bit outrageous. Without taking the time to dig a bit deeper, and use some common sense.

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