Reply to post: Re: Way Cool...

World-record-breaking boffins reveal the fastest spinning thing on Earth – and it's not George Orwell in his grave

Flocke Kroes Silver badge

Re: Way Cool...

Energy per unit mass is about 10x better than a fly wheel, similar to ANFO (cheap explosive) and about one tenth of body fat. (Assumed: two spheres with 75nm radius and density 2500kg/m3. Energy=34pJ, Energy density 3.9MJ/kg)

If all the energy went into heating the dumbbells then the temperature would rise about 5500K. This is well over the melting point but I could not find the latent heat of fusion (or vaporisation). Each of those steps would reduce the final temperature but it certainly looks like a collision would break up the dumbbells into really tiny pieces.

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