Reply to post: Re: Isn't THIS why we've got to teach 2nd-graders how to "code", rather than how to think?

You're not Boeing to believe this: Yet another show-stopping software bug found in ill-fated 737 Max airplanes

bazza Silver badge

Re: Isn't THIS why we've got to teach 2nd-graders how to "code", rather than how to think?

It’s a bit more complex than that I’m afraid. Initially Boeing contracted out the coding job to another company, but effectively they’d already designed the software architecture and functional breakdown, so all the contractors were doing was writing the functions like they’d been told.

And apparently the contractors coders were wise enough to question the overall architecture and functionality, pushed back questions to Boeing asking “are you sure?”.

Boeing seems to have said yes, now get on with it...

What we don’t know now is who has been making the decisions, Boeing or the subcontractor. My bet is that it’s still Boeing. The subcontractor company is well known and respectable, and I wouldn’t mind betting that they’re not far off walking out of the job before this gets ridiculous.

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