Reply to post: Mac with others underneath

Step away from that Windows 7 machine, order UK cyber-cops: It's not safe for managing your cash digitally

MachDiamond Silver badge

Mac with others underneath

I've been running a Mac for years with Win and Linux running with Fusion. I have another Win7 box dedicated to CAD/CAM (and solitaire) that is on SneakerNet as that software bogs down under emulation. I have the same apps on my emulated partitions so I can output files, I just do the work on the other rig. Going to win10 would mean updating a bunch of niche software that works perfectly fine, thank you very much.

The new MacPro is sick amounts of money, but if I can shave time off of jobs, it could pay for itself in a year. Coming up with the dosh up front is the painful part.

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