Reply to post: Re: Enquiries

Help! I'm trapped on Schrodinger's runaway train! Or am I..?


Re: Enquiries

If you want the ultimate in random communications try a school.

Some info comes within paper sheets, lovingly crumpled into the deepest corners of a school bag

Some are posted on a Facebook site, sometimes as timeline posts sometimes as files

Many go out on Twitter (there are no alternatives if you don't 'do' FB or Twitter, you must 'do' FB and Twitter or you are evil and should have your children removed from you)

Some info is only listed on a calendar produced once a year hidden in a secret location known only to the chosen few and revealed during a blood moon when the dead walk amongst us

Maybe there is an app with alerts which are not on Twitter or Facebook or paper, yet so frequent you have to turn them off to preserve your sanity

There may be other 3rd party apps as well to serve homework, maths, reports etc, none of which will be GDPR compliant but if you mention this you are evil; complex passwords will be whispered to your young child to remember and take home

And then reguarly you child will be told important information published nowhere else, luckly your child can hash all of this information to three words in response to any question about school, "nothing", "fine", "good" or "James hit me".

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