Reply to post: Better idea..why does n't GOOGL buy 1,143,934,581 shares of ORCL..

IBM, Microsoft, a medley of others sing support for Google against Oracle in Supremes' Java API copyright case

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Better idea..why does n't GOOGL buy 1,143,934,581 shares of ORCL..

...with half of their cash stash, vote Ellison out at next AGM. Problem solved.

Sell ORCL stock afterwards at a small loss probably. But if the GOOGL risk management guys in treasury are any good any loss should be hedgeable via derivative structures into a nice little tax write-off. Net cost probably net zero.'ish. Or at most the sort of chump change GOOGL lose down the back of the sofa in any given quarter.

You gotta be creative when dealing with utter bastards like Ellson. Anyway, he is a geriatric old man by this stage so he should be dead soon. That would solve the problem too.

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