Reply to post: Re: Good job IBM still have people with expertise in these systems around.

Totally Subcontracted Business: TSB to outsource entire IT estate to IBM for a cool $1bn after 2019 meltdown

The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge

Re: Good job IBM still have people with expertise in these systems around.

You realise you have just triggered a search for these two individuals as they have obviously escaped prior cullings.

Having escaped\terminated from IBM's management of South West One & been on a IBM contract or two, the following occurred on the same project:

1: Where the project consultant, went off radar in Asia over the Christmas break & couldn't be contacted over a serious SNAFU.

2: Project consultant had created an insane admin password, that was prone to being mis-entered by anyone of the two imaging teams & three deployment teams & frequently locking the account out six times a hour.

3: The project overran due to one imaging team prepping machines to be deployed & working off the master list of bank branches to be refreshed, while the other Team's lead let one of his techs design a off-radar Master list (Because that tech liked to doing everything in Access - Even inventory) & designate what machines we were were going to image for what branch. Sure enough twice as many machines were frequently being delivered to site & there was lots of receiving machines back from site in -20C (& lower) in the early evenings to IBM's front door.

Our Team Lead managed to keep his job ie made permy, despite his prior experience as a draughtsman for a company that made log cabins & was oblivious to the search & replace function (Which was discovered when he was grumbling could we use manual entry as he didn't need the prefix characters that my barcode scanner was reading when scanning serial numbers & had to edit each cell by hand).

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