Reply to post: Re: This is a Real national security problem. Think hard, Brits!

MI5 gros fromage: Nah, US won't go Huawei from dear old Blighty over 5G, no matter what we do

phuzz Silver badge

Re: This is a Real national security problem. Think hard, Brits!

You seem to be overestimating how much the rest of the world would rather be dominated by the US instead of China.

It's not like the US hasn't been using economic dominance to do it's best to wipe out any competition (western, eastern, north or south), for, well, decades. The choice for small countries like the UK is who would we rather be dominated by, or is there a way to play one off against the other?

As for humanitarian violations, do something about the kids in concentration camps, and then maybe we can talk about who gets to throw the first stone, eh?

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