Reply to post: Re: US original Spelling Myth

Flying taxis? That'll be AFTER you've launched light sabres and anti-gravity skateboards

CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

Re: US original Spelling Myth

Normandy wasn't quite the same as other "French" regions

Just like 'English' isn't really a monolithic language - every Saxon/Angle/Jute region had it's own dialect and (to a large extent) those differences were retained into modern English. And lets not forget the huge Norse/Celtic influences either - northern English retains a lot of Norse (and in places like Cumbria, Celtic influences).

In short, English is the illigetimate offspring of many mothers and farhers. Mixed in a decidedly promiscuous way.. Mind you, it still grinds my gears when I see the total lack of grammar and mistakes in vocabulary in (particularly) self-published books.

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