Reply to post: Re: I use ZFS with Linux - and so should you

It's a no to ZFS in the Linux kernel from me, says Torvalds, points finger of blame at Oracle licensing

Bronek Kozicki

Re: I use ZFS with Linux - and so should you

Right, i feel that apologies are due - sorry about that hyperbole. The fact of the matter remains that ZFS is not GPL and will never be, because it cannot be done - the dozens of contributors who added to OpenZFS code will not change their license for many reasons, one of them could be that, perhaps, not all of them can be contacted or are even alive. One the other hand, the Oracle flavor of ZFS could be perhaps re-licensed, but is irrelevant because almost no-one uses that and is not compatible with the flavour of ZFS used everywhere else outside of Oracle's walled garden - that is on Linux, MacOS and BSD.

I get very annoyed when people invite Oracle to discussion on ZFS because it just feels disrespectful to dozens of people who contributed and continue to contribute to OpenZFS. Especially if the people in question should really know better and are as exposed as Linus Torvalds.

Also I feel really strongly that Linux should recognise that it is a good thing that there is a common enterprise grade filesystem which works well on three major platforms and made some effort to not make working on this filesystem harder than it needs to be. This filesystem will be always outside of Linux tree because otherwise the users from other operating systems would be badly disadvantaged, and as a result it would eventually cease to be a common filesystem recognised and supported by other OSs.

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