Reply to post: Re: A group of people were entrusted with the administration of the .org domains ...

ICANN finally reveals who’s behind purchase of .org: It’s ███████ and ██████ – you don't need to know any more

bombastic bob Silver badge
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Re: A group of people were entrusted with the administration of the .org domains ...

You apparently think PROFIT itself is IMMORAL, don't you?

Making a PROFIT (when you're a FOR PROFIT company) is NOT immoral. It's business.

Profit is _GOOD_. It's been driving our societies for MILLENIA. Without gain, why bother working? No "profit" means SLAVE LABOR. NOBODY wants to be a SLAVE. So you should be paid for what you do, and if you buy and sell things, the PROFIT is your pay!

(and if you're GOOD at it, your financial reward should be HUGE)

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