Reply to post: Re: The only thing I can say is

AMD rips covers off 64-core Threadripper desktop monster, plus laptop chips, leaving Intel gesturing vaguely at 2021


Re: The only thing I can say is

I watched a presentation by Sophie Wilson on CPU design progress. It was from 2016, and she said that the latest and greatest phone CPUs couldn't dissipate enough heat to run flat-out, and half the cores had to be off (on average, I guess).

So, yeah. It's like the old F15 vs Concorde thing. the F15 will take it in a sprint, but Concorde has the legs to just keep going. And that analogy shows my age, but there you go...

27nm - that was the other thing that stuck in my mind from that lecture. 27nm was the optimum feature size for cost. Any further required crazy interferometry. And her description of x-ray lithography was just astonishing.

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