Reply to post: Re: CheckMate

Why is a 22GB database containing 56 million US folks' personal details sitting on the open internet using a Chinese IP address? Seriously, why?


Re: CheckMate

"Companies just won’t start taking privacy, safety and security seriously unless there are _serious_ consequences when they fcuck up badly enough."

Hee hee, they're in China! :-D Different if they were in the UK of course. Here they'd be fined an astronomical amount, then close the business to avoid paying the fine... Meanwhile, the data is out there anyway.. Don't waste the time worrying about it, and give up the shredder.. They're so 1990's.. No-one's going to root around your bin for papers when all your info is online. Free up that hour every-other-Sunday for something more productive.

Accept that your personal details are out there...

...and hope that intimate details DON'T get out there!

Get used to someone knowing your name, address, DOB, etc.

...and hope that Red Tube et al are never broken into :-\

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