Reply to post: Re: Its in the f**king state constitution for gawds sake..

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Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Its in the f**king state constitution for gawds sake..

I can think of at least several dozen tech billionaires. Only a small minority are arrogant pricks. A small handful. I'll be quiet happy with my eight figure sum, when I cash out. Envy of the sort you allude too is purely a European vice.

I must assume that you are not in the US so as a result dont even begin to understand just how citizenship works in the US. The only country in Europe that even starts to come close is Switzerland. US politics is such a loud noisy argumentative process because by default power devolves to the lowest possible level. In European countries (bar Switzerland ) you just get whatever little crumbs of power the state deigns to give you. So for average Americans the power pyramid is inverted. In the UK local elections are pretty much irrelevant. And only occasionally do national elections matter. Like the last one. In the US, the local is the really important one, the state level next, the federal far less so. What happens in City Hall and in Sacramento is far more important to my day to day life than what happens in DC. Very much the equivalent of the European Parliament in the EU. Its only real power is to cause mischief.

So thats why I take the oath and its responsibilities seriously. As do my fellow citizens. Because we are asked important questions ever election. When was the last time you had a direct say by vote on taxes, finance, laws, etc . In the UK? Three times (maybe) in the last 50 years. We get about 10 / 15 pages worth every two years. And more every 4 years. So just like in Switzerland everyone has a stake in the system. And everyone has an opinion. And everyone has very specific obligations as citizens. Which Khosla, at least in my opinion, show very little understanding of.

If Khosla does nt like the constitution then he can try to get the signatures to propose and then the votes to pass a proposition amending the law he does not like. Not going to happen because around 98% plus of the electorate are quite happy with the status quo. Both he and his lawyers know this.

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