Reply to post: Re: Most people...

GSMA report: Sorry, handset makers, 5G is not going to save the smartphone market

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: Most people...

There's essentially no coverage at the Mountain Fastness (you can get sometimes get a decent signal in some parts of the grounds), so I got a used AT&T microcell unit off eBay. (My wife has AT&T; I use an MVNO which resells AT&T service.) Hooked it up to our router - we have fiber Internet service - went to the AT&T site, registered it, and presto: excellent service for anyone with AT&T service whom we add to the device, as long as the power and Internet are up.1 It needs to be sitting near a window so it can get a GPS signal, but that's not a problem.

Obviously this requires a carrier that allows microcells and a reasonable Internet connection for backhaul, but it's worked well for us.

1Nearly always, despite the rural location.

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