Reply to post: Corp USA sucks balls

Having trouble finding a job in your 40s? Study shows some bosses like job applicants... up until they see dates of birth

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Corp USA sucks balls

So I'm in my mid-forties. I've been in IT for about 20 years. I dunno if this just applies to the good ol' US of A, but I've noticed HR evolve in their hiring practices.

When I was in my 20s, I did get exploited and I was dumb. The hiring department (HR) at this time didn't really seem to care about anything other than my salary or wages when interviewing. In my 30s, it was kind of the same except there was more"check the box" stuff. Whatever. I was smarter, got a decent salary, and got a lot more wise about how the working class got exploited. So yes, I was therefore underpromising and underdelivering. Never got fired, kept my skills up to date, just did what I wanted walking a fine line of my job description and my LIFE. In my 40s, HR got sophisticated to the level of uncompromising dumbness. Every interview included a "cognitive exam" (to see if you know basic math and writing), a "personality test" (to see how submissive you are), and a comprehensive background check. Then came the physical interviews. I've got some wrinkles and spots of grey in my hair (probably from working 20 hours a day in my 20s), and yea, now it's a fucking battle. There's no doubt that age (plus these new "sophisticated" tests) judges the outcome.

I can't wait until AI makes these "smart" decisions on behalf of HR and ensuing legal battles regarding "proprietary" AI hiring decision-making.

...Oops, now I'm late for work... fuck you, to my shit manager Anton.

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