Reply to post: UNIX v.s. MS/PC-DOS

A Notepad nightmare leaves sysadmin with something totally unprintable

jake Silver badge


Back in the days right after Redmond laid the turd known as MS-DOS on us, I had been hacking BSD for six or seven years (longer than it had been called BSD). I had to support both when Bigger Blue agreed to take on half a dozen 5150s for test purposes ... it took me all of about two days to put together a bootable DOS toolkit so I could get out of jams caused by my muscle memory telling DOS to break itself. I wasn't sure if I should be happy that it was so simple to fix, or if I should be terrified that it might take off. I probably would have bitched about it more when asked by IBM, but the silly thing didn't do networking, so how much trouble could it cause?

The rest, as they say, is history ...

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