Reply to post: Re: What lunch?

HPE goes on the warpath, attacks AWS over vendor lock-in

Arthur Daily

Re: What lunch?

Most companies out there see IT as being an unwanted stepchild that they, until now, had to care for.

Well, the stupid ones might. For some business their data IS their only business. A Cloudtastrophie in the making.

I don't see Walmart placing their sales and inventory online for Amazon to either dump, read, or somehow exploit. Lawyers can legitimize the data theft later. One believes Boeing placed their data in an online cloud, and the inability to hide smoking guns and internal emails - well not good. Tobacco and vaping purveyors probably truly know the risks.

Down the line the IRS will be trolling not only the company, but probably their legal council communications that are neither private nor safe from internal trusted executives claiming a reward after their golden parachute.

Thirdly remote access is a two sided coin. You are a fool if you believe the risk is low. As AWS usually keeps three copies of data, if you do a secure wipe - how long does that operation take to percolate over all backups and archived storage?

Sure, some will go for the short term win. The cause of this data migration was caused by vendors charging unsubstainable inflated retail plus plus for a range of software must haves. AWS got a bulk purchase rate, and passed it on, until say MS pulled the pin - so the 'savings' have evaporated. While others not picking bespoke clouds with NO breakins or leaks or operating beyond the law VPN services.

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