Reply to post: Re: I'm not so sure that options are the answer to why Office is so popular

LibreOffice 6.4 nearly done as open-source office software project prepares for 10th anniversary


Re: I'm not so sure that options are the answer to why Office is so popular

You missed another key problem with LibreOffice. Track changes. Maybe it's improved, I don't know. But I had to give up on using LibreOffice for any usage involving change tracking. The usage model was bi-directional, I created files and sent to them for them to mark up and send back; they created files that I got, marked up, and sent to them. The changes were not reliably marked, and comments were often not coming through. Those using only Word had no issue. Oddly, docx vs odt didn't seem to make a difference on change tracking. (Sometimes I'd accidentally send them odt, which generated a warning for those using Word, but that was about it.)

I consider Word's change tracking incredibly primitive, but this is a case where it isn't good enough to work with your own product (and I wouldn't consider LibreOffice passing even that low bar on the inserted comments), you have to work with what others around you use.

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