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This isn't Boeing very well... Faulty timer knackers Starliner cargo capsule on its way to International Space Station


Both MCAS and this were depending on a single input...bad design with no redundancy and no effective override.

What I hear is that the clock - which was a dumb idea vs something that actually sensed status anyway - simply wasn't set right while on the ground. Versus anything actually malfunctioning post-launch, other than maybe the ground guys failing to keep up with the status of things in time to prevent a problem - or even noticing at the time that fuel was being wasted.

But oh boy, that really poor Boeing / NASA youtube stream cut audio and kept it muted for quite awhile when they noticed they had an issue.

SpaceX has spoiled us with realtime video and a little telemetry post launch, and willingness to acknowledge failures and even make a Pythonesque clip of RUDs. Makes the old skool spin from the old military late and over budget contractors really stand out in sharp relief - more like the Vogons than Starfleet.

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