Reply to post: Re: "still running Windows despite literally decades of problems."

It's the end of the 20-teens, and your Windows PC can still be pwned by nothing more than a simple bad font

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: "still running Windows despite literally decades of problems."

There are alternatives (caveated on whether you operate using specialised software that only runs on Windows), but the problem is very much a cold start one. No business wants to move to Linux (even if viable internally) only to have issues with "you sent us a document we can't open or that has a scrambled format" as well as user training requirements etc. Hence everyone still trundles on using Windows.

Where I work we've tried getting access to Linux servers/VMs for hosting certain apps but are constantly told that IT has nobody to support them and has no appetite to support them. When windows is the expectation it becomes very hard to bring in something different. I have worked at banks where Linux was used because they took a line of "best tool for the job" but not everyone will do this. Let's not forget that Oracle is still used in a great many places where there are no real requirements for its capabilities and PostgreSQL would do.

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