Reply to post: Question for the community

Canada's .ca supremo in hot water after cyber-smut stash allegedly found on his work Mac ‒ and three IT bods fired


Question for the community

Having personal data on a work computer is generally against policy, but isn't inherently improper or illegal, right?

My question is this: the people doing the transfers clearly were perusing the data on said executive's computer. Isn't this also against good IT practice as well as potentially against IT policy?

There is likely all manner of sensitive information on a CEO's computer - work as well as anything else. Is it acceptable that an IT person tasked with data transfer is looking at any of it, for any reason? I'm talking not just about personal pics, but work evaluations of other employees, corporate budgets, board level reports, discussions with potential partners, acquirers or acquirees etc.

If this is not proper or acceptable, the reporting of personal pics on said CEO's computer would be like a john complaining to a policeman that the prostitute he solicited ran away with the money without giving sex...

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