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US and China wave white flags, hit pause button on trade war

ThatOne Silver badge

The problem is that in recent decades being arrogant, inflexible, self-serving and aggressive has become "cool". Not only in the USA, thats just where the tendency is most visible due to the stupid 2-party system which reinforces and exacerbates any "if it's not to our profit, it's bad" attitudes.

Anyway, being a self-serving authoritarian jerk has apparently come to mean you're "strong", and thus made for ruling (shepherding) the "sheeple".

I guess for some people it's the lost father figure, while it allows others to cut down on their dominatrix expenses, but whatever it is, most politicians worldwide are modeling themselves towards that new hip standard. Be afraid ye indolent masses, history repeats itself and has already shown us the evolutionary targets of this otherwise just annoying tendency (Hint: They were christened Benito and Adolf).

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