Reply to post: Re: Why on earth

LightAnchors array: LEDs in routers, power strips, and more, can sneakily ship data to this smartphone app


Re: Why on earth

Here's what the people that have ability to think do. Turn it off when you have finished using it.

People who actually have the ability to think realise that there are a number of circumstances in which things can accidentally be left on (and also accidentally turned on - eg cat chasing a fly that lands on the switch). Sure I've only done it a couple of times in my life but I know I could answer the phone while working on something (no point turning the heaty thing off for a few seconds phone talk) only to get some news or an urgent request that has me distressed or racing out the door in a hurry, thoughts of things making sure everything is turned off far from my mind. I also use heaty things (eg soldering iron) quite often, sometimes several days a week. Turning it off is something so common I have to check if I have a doubt (same as locking the door, I do it at least once every day so no way to recall a specific time.

That said, I do agree with not having all the cameras and other IoT crap around. Me? I have a safe work bench. If I leave something there and it gets all hot and sweaty then there's no way fire can spread even with flaming melted plastic running off. Try to be sure I have things turned off, check them anyway, but also work in a place where flames aren't scary. Much simpler - and safer - then having an excess of IoT-infested cheap tat.

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