Reply to post: Bolivian shower

Why is the printer spouting nonsense... and who on earth tried to wire this plug?

The Basis of everything is...

Bolivian shower

Many years ago I found myself wandering through Bolivia for the simple reason it was there and I had nowhere else to be. Down that way it's very common for showers to have the heating element in the shower head itself rather than in a separate box on the wall. The open mouse-trap style mains switch inside the shower stall was my first hint that electrical standards were a little bit different different, but when in Rome (or La Paz in this case) do as the Romans do.

The shower was really good. Hot water and lots of that left you feeling refreshed and slightly tingly. Almost spa quality and better than many of the hotels I get to stay in nowadays. Until you tried to turn the shower off. That meant using a nice metal tap and suddenly that slightly refreshing tingling became somewhat invigorating to say the least.

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