Reply to post: It was never my F**king DNS

Why is the printer spouting nonsense... and who on earth tried to wire this plug?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

It was never my F**king DNS

I hate the Tech assuption that it's always DNS

when i first started as a PFY our DNS and AD Sites and Services was a Mess (like wouldn't actually work in a DR as it all required bridging connections that only existed in the production PC) and one of my first jobs was to sort it all out.

i have Literally spent years as a junior ,senior and then team lead making sure my DNS was prefect internal and external.

every change documented and done as requested.

old records cleaned regularly.

evertime i worked with a dev or 3rd party or even my own network team and they came in and go it's an issue with your DNS

we always find out it's not my dns examples include

- you need to create 5 c names or the app won't work (not in the documentation)

- 3rd party changing a server on a static vlan to use DHCP without asking permission (wondered why the server stopped responding)

- Host records for server names that were wrong (to be fair this was an upgrade and the new PFY dev was strung up be the ye olde dev who apparently hadn't trusted DNS)

- Failing nics causing systems to faulter.

- the traffic optimiser crashing and taking the whole DMVPN network with it

in the interest of fairness we did have a problem where a Rouge Domain controller making itself the lowest cost for everywhere and that was because we did an upgrade and it thought it was the last one left.

now i've moved over to a PMO/Architect role and had to give it over to some one else. so can't say if it's still in as good shape.

Posting Anonymously as i know some of my co workers read this and maybe upset at me outing them.

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