Reply to post: Re: Yes, but for what?

LightAnchors array: LEDs in routers, power strips, and more, can sneakily ship data to this smartphone app

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: Yes, but for what?

I must admit the glue gun example is pretty dumb, but it could be used so that electricity meters can transmit a reading instead of having to replace them with smart meters. It could be used to tell me the temperature of the oven, without needing to add an actual display.

It could tell me my laptop battery power, without needing the nice LEDs on the side (when it's in standby mode)

It could be attached to a bus shelter and give more information about the next bus (but I suppose once you've put the connection in place you might as well have a display?)

Headphone ramaining battery?

Outside temperature and pressure or other weather info.

If I had a fitbit it could tell me loads of stuff.

Medical applications? Blood glucose monitor? Insulin levels? (specialist)

Novelty applications? A birthday card with a text message inside that you can read using an app? (OK I'm floundering a bit now).

But these are just things that I can think of after 20 seconds. This could be a really interesting technology.

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