Reply to post: Re: All or nothing logic

Boffins find proof that yes, Carl Sagan and Joni Mitchell were right, we really are all made up of star stuff

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: All or nothing logic

Another way of looking at it.

The mechanism that makes carbon 14 from nitrogen for example is well understood. There wouldn't be such a large variation of C14 if there was less cosmic rays or less nitrogen. There wouldn't be as much C14 is the earth was a small meteor popsicle arriving in from space. There would be more uniformity and less variations.

You think its true of Nitrogen to C14 but not true of other atoms?

The barrier to forming an atom isn't the difference between the initial energy and end energy, its the peak in the middle. This is true for Nitrogen to C14 and for everything above Iron too. You cannot assume that things above iron can only be made in stars based on some aggregate measure of overall energy called 'temperature'.

Nothing I'm saying here is controversial. It just doesn't make for classic smooth-rock lyrics.

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