Reply to post: Re: Out o'curiosity ...

It's the end of the 20-teens, and your Windows PC can still be pwned by nothing more than a simple bad font

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Out o'curiosity ...

You're still thinking about old bitmap fonts - which any sane operating system no longer use unless it wants to looks ugly on any device at any resolution but maybe the native one of the font.

Actual fonts are quite complex and are not "displayed" - they are "rendered" through *computing* the actual glyph pixels taking into account also the "environment" it's displayed within.

The introduction of displays with different ppi (higher and higher) and the wish to exploit that to allow subtle but useful typographical features meant even more complex fonts and rendering engines.

Typography was and is a complex art - unluckily the "computing" part means code which can have bugs.

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