Reply to post: Re: Fuck China

China fires up 'Great Cannon' denial-of-service blaster, points it toward Hong Kong


Re: Fuck China


China is the greatest threat to freedom and civilisation the world has ever seen, We should not be playing nice.


Thankyou for swallowing the propaganda. Question - how many countries has China invaded over the past 20 years? How about USA? How about the UK? Say again where this "threat to freedom" is coming from?

And I assure you that stopping all trade with China would hurt us more than hurts China. Especially if China started calling in its debts or closing its Western factories. Heck, it probably owns most of UK and USA.

Not to mention the huge cost of living increase that would occur if all goods made in China were to disappear from our shelves - and the knock-on increases when Western goods no longer needed to compete with Chinese goods.

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