Reply to post: Re: How To Win Friends And Influence

Amazon: Trump photon-torpedoed our $10bn JEDI dream because he hates CEO Jeff Bezos

georgezilla Silver badge

Re: How To Win Friends And Influence

" ... and obviously the impeachment will fail ... "

Actually no it won't.

And you assertion that it will fail is flawed for one of the fallowing reasons .......

1) You haven't been paying attention.

2) That you belong to the Cult of Trump.

3) That you don't understand how the process works.

Impeachment is the House of Representatives finding facts ( and at this point, legally they are facts ) and indicting ( impeaching ) him.

Which to anyone paying attention is clearly going to happen.

So yes he will be Impeached ( at least that's my impression ).

Then we move to the Senate. Where he will be tried in front of the Chief Just of the Supreme Court of the United States.To be judged by the members of the Senate. And the Senate will vote to remove him or not. Which in my opinion they will not.

And they will not remove him simply because of party. And not in any way based on facts, evidence, testamony or the laws of the United States.

So yes he WILL be impeached. Just like Clinton was impeached.

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