Reply to post: Re: Once upon a time in Brighton...

Remember the Dutch kid who stuck his finger in a dam to save the village? Here's the IT equivalent

Doctor Syntax Silver badge

Re: Once upon a time in Brighton...

Over telnet (them were t'days) it was reasonably common for the various characters in vt100 escape sequences to get separated and in vi the tilde would flip case. And in those days it was normal to edit passwd directly. So root became Root.

No problem, just log in as Root. Except also back then Unix had a built-in assumption that you might well be working on a teletype which only had upper case so if the first character entered on login was upper case it would obligingly switch to doing everything in upper case. Root, root and ROOT were all one and the same so the user name wasn't a problem. But when you're in upper case only you can't enter the lower case characters of a password and get them hashed to the correct value.

Fortunately there was an already logged in root session on the console.

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