Reply to post: Re: An important distinction

How to fool infosec wonks into pinning a cyber attack on China, Russia, Iran, whomever

Jellied Eel Silver badge

Re: An important distinction

Who brought the NSA into it, anyway?

They're everywhere, and invite themselves. Allegedly.

I didn't. I did assume that most readers would be aware that the US government and its agencies...

Dig a little deeper than the MSM when it comes to detection and attribution. And state agencies may have different motivations. So suppose an attack actually originated in Ukraine, but was made to look like Russia. Ukraine doesn't exactly like Russia, and our agencies may decide to run with 'Russian Hackers' anway, because that's geopolitics. Same could happen with Iran, because they're unpopular in some places, or China. Years ago a lot of spam originated from China (not Hormel), but oddly advertised Western spam-slinger's products.. Because a lot of Chinese devices weren't very well secured & exploitable by Western spamvertisers.

Problem with the MSM is they generally don't have any decent infosec reporters, so run with whatever they're told.. Especially if they have political motivations or biases of their own.

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