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Just in case you were expecting 10Gbps, Wi-Fi 6 hits 700Mbps in real-world download tests

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Streaming is chosen as a worst case example as it exhibits:

- constant bandwidth demands on the shared access media (i.e. air)

- easy to scale to high bandwidth

- availability of tools to measure packet loss, bandwidth, jitter etc

Comparing this to web browsing and gaming, they tend to both cope quite well with <10Mbps per device outside of large downloads which approach the requirements for streaming. Latency tends to be a bigger issue, and decent wifi shouldn't contribute noticeably to latency (i.e. 1-3ms for wifi, <1ms on ethernet for local LAN). The problem is, most wifi latency comparisons for gaming focus on home wifi that are less than ideal due to insufficient coverage (i.e. one wifi AP per house) and distance optimised settings.

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