Reply to post: Re: I don't like to judge people based on their appearance...

Google ex-employees demand retribution for Thanksgiving massacre


Re: I don't like to judge people based on their appearance...

organising unions is never reason to fire someone

Oh yes it bloody is.

There are no successful unionised industries or companies. All of the big unionised places went bust because the unions couldn't comprehend that they don't run the business, and would strike for whatever whenever they thought they would.

They're a dinosaur from another age whose time has long since passed, and whose relevance to the modern age may best be considered akin to that of ink and quill pen.

Most, almost all in fact, union members are too slow of thinking to realize the union doesn't give a damn about them and never would. One of the finest wine cellars in all the country belonged to the RMT under Bob Crow. You never see a poor union baron - they all enjoy fat cat pay and wallet busting pensions, paid for directly by their members stupidity.

Now, it may not be legal to fire someone for organizing a union in your jurisdiction, but even someone so slow of mind as to want to be a union rep should realize that while so organizing, you need to keep your nose clean and can't afford to breach fellow employees confidentiality by slurping their data into your pet stalking project because you don't like what your employer is legally doing.

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