Reply to post: Re: Get over your Filesystem operating systems

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Re: Get over your Filesystem operating systems

"Everything is a file" *might possibly* be an abstraction too far, though I'm a Unix fan in general.

The filesystem though... are you serious? It's possibly the simplest abstraction I can imagine for organising data. You have leaf nodes (files) and ways of grouping files (directories). A simple graph.

I had a boss who thought he was very forward thinking and clever by suggesting the department wiki should be all about search - none of this old fashioned file/folder business. So what happens? Chaos - stuff went in, but it was basically a black hole.

When amazon came up with the genius of S3 (everything goes in a bucket), wasn't one of the first things that happened was being forced to create a fake file/folder system over the top?

If anything, we need a richer abstraction - versioning and tagging on the standard system calls perhaps.

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