Reply to post: Self serving SOB

Internet Society CEO: Most people don't care about the .org sell-off – and nothing short of a court order will stop it


Self serving SOB

"We didn't go looking for this. If we had done that [consulted publicly about the sale .org], the opportunity would have been lost. If we had done it in public, it would have created a lot of uncertainty without any benefit."


You don't say ...

It's was quite obvious from the start that they did not go looking for this as the main purpose of carrying this out and doing it in the way they have been doing it was to do it in the shade/under the blankets/away from public scrutiny.


Not so ...

By now I am certain that this DH and those backing this scheme are nothing but run of the mill investment fund raiders that found a way to make some easy money creating an oportunity and then finding a loophole to exploit it.

Without any benefit?

Not so either ...

Obviously the chap is talking about the benefit of those backing this outrageous deal which is long them and huge and not about society's benefit as a whole in that this rip-off does not go through.

In my experience, when this type of thing goes down it for the benefit of a few at the expense of the many.


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