Reply to post: Re: Noise cancelling

Bose customers beg for firmware ceasefire after headphones fall victim to another crap update

Ben Tasker

Re: Noise cancelling

> Much like it makes my skin crawl when I see people riding motorbikes without wearing proper bike gear. Sure - it's their skin that'll get taken off by gravel rash[1] but I have just about enough empathy to feel it..)

I remember being told, back when I was a teenager, that at 30MPH for every second you're sliding on tarmac (not rougher concrete) it'll take an inch off the depth of your skin

Now obviously because of friction you don't slide for very long, but sanding even 1/10" off your skin?

I always wore my leathers after that, and with the benefit of hindsight, it's just as well, I've fucked myself up enough without shaving bits off too

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