Reply to post: Re: "Hate speech is actually banned on our platform"

PSA: You are now in the timeline where Facebook and pals are torn a new one by, er, Borat star Sacha Baron Cohen

Jason Bloomberg Silver badge

Re: "Hate speech is actually banned on our platform"

So how do they filter out some materials but not others? It appaears to be a matter of taste, and they like the taste of revenue more than the taste of integrity.

But what is this "integrity"? Most platform moderation applies societal values, those of the society of which they think they are, so mostly "American values", not anyone else's. And, as private companies, they obviously won't want to ban or allow something which will have those holding to such societal values object, boycott them or worse. It's not unreasonable to want to protect one's revenue stream.

In America; some will complain how "too much nipple" is being allowed while others, noting that "hate is not a crime", will complain too much hate is banned.

In Europe we'll often see it the opposite way; too much hate being allowed coupled with overly puritanical bans. Elsewhere it's seen as allowing too much with not enough banned.

The trouble is there's no universally accepted standard of values, no universally defined integrity, or even agreement on what limits there are or aren't, should or shouldn't be, to free speech. We therefore have global companies bringing their own values and integrity to places where people don't see it the same way.

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