Reply to post: Re: We don't need no steenkin tests!

Space-wrecks: Elon's prototype Moon ferry Starship blows its top during fuel tank test

MachDiamond Silver badge

Re: We don't need no steenkin tests!

"30 years ago this kind of testing would have been done without anyone in the world knowing about it, and unless someone was killed, people would be presented months or years later with the finished product."

30 years ago, the tank design would have gone through physical tests rather than just FEA sims on a computer. It wouldn't have blow while being tested at it's working pressure but only if something were to have gone very wrong.

If you are going to make your testing live and public, it's a good idea to spend the time to do things properly. Yes, it takes time and costs money but so does repairing test facilities and metaphorically cleaning the egg from your face.

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