Reply to post: Re: From the principles it is the exactly same setting.

Oracle and Google will fight in court over Java AGAIN and this time it's going to the Supremes

georgezilla Silver badge

Re: From the principles it is the exactly same setting.

But SCO didn't, doesn't own Unix.

I spent way, way to many hours at Groklaw.

And anything that they did own that might be in Linux, they put their themselves. All under the GPL. And then gave away, sold their version of Linux ( as United Linux and SCO Linux. Both of which I used to own copies of. ).

And Google did ask Sun if it was okay to use Java. And Sun ( the CEO ) said yes. So in theory, Goolge had permission to use it.

Larry is just a greedy, arrogant, egomaniac who thinks that his money makes him special.

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