Reply to post: Re: "'forget' how to go above Low Earth Orbit."

'That roar is terrific... look at that rocket go!' It's been 52 years since first Saturn V left the pad

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: "'forget' how to go above Low Earth Orbit."

And which Russian ever went beyond Low Earth Orbit, with all those marvelous engines? None.

Which Russian probe ever went beyond Mars or Venus, using all those marvelous engines? None.

The Sojuz design is alike the F-1. Old, simple but working for the required needs. But not exactly an advanced, modern design capable of sustaining a crew of seven for two weeks, with full EVA capabilities.

NASA has the capabilities to reach Pluto and beyond. Sure, unmanned probes, but you still need the launching capabilities and the technology - i.e engines that can be re-started in space to achieve the required speeds and trajectories.

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