Reply to post: Apple has been milking education for decades

Teachers: Make your pupils' parents buy them an iPad to use at school. Oh and did you pack sunglasses for the Apple-funded jolly?

martinusher Silver badge

Apple has been milking education for decades

My wife's school ("back when she wasn't retired") went for iPads for everyone back when this was the Bright, Shiny Thing for education. To force the issue the school removed all other A/V aids while on summer recess which left the missus in a bit of bind -- she taught Physics and the they already had a computational ecosystem built around laptops for measurement and simulation. Adding iPads just made all this equipment non-functional, it wasn't replaced (no budget, the iPads had eaten it all) and so on. The school eventually fixed the Physics problem by dropping AP Physics (equivalent to A level) and just doing Physics as a 9th grade (US) course.

I should mention that the hardware is the least of it -- textbooks on iThings aren't cheap.

Apple have been touting the benefits of computers and stuff like that since the 80s, back when it was overpriced Apple ][ systems. Then Macs....

Here in the US these days the main school computer is the Chromebook. Its cheap 'n cheerful.

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