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When the IT department speaks, users listen. Or face the consequences

J.G.Harston Silver badge

And also part of it is that business just sit somebody down in front of a computer and expect that new user to somehow automatically know what the company's data policy is. "But they all get taught 'computers' at school, why should we have to train them?" Yeah, just like they all got taught "writing" at school, but you still had to teach them *which* memopad to use for what job, what department does what, what form to use for ordering what goods. If *YOU* don't teach your new employees that, eg, their home directory is H:, the actuarial applications are in G:, the company policy documents are in S: and are read-only. It's like saying 'ee's got a driving license, why should we tell 'im how to use the fork-lift?

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