Reply to post: Re: Money can't buy you love

AT&T: We did nothing wrong in promising unlimited data that wasn't. We're just giving the FTC $60m for fun

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Money can't buy you love

If the company can afford the fine without going out of business then the fine is not high enough.

To create an effective deterrent, they need to crack down hard, it so sets an example that reverberates through the business community that we won't argue with you, or give you the benefit of the doubt anymore due to years of industry abuse of that benefit.

How about a three strikes rule with zero tolerance for business ,not just social behaviors??

The only point of generating profit is to create emergency funds for a rainy day for future problems.

If the problems are to be sustained then profitability is irrelevant too productively solving problems and is no longer a justifiable priority

Consumers and their representative governing agencies need to send a strong message the gets through even the densest of profiteers.

They need to feel what danger in the core of their being that We will not hesitate to sacrifice economic and political convenience to fix this problem.. We will destroy you and take your assets by eminent domain and give them as a grant to somebody else that hasn't f***** up yet.

so tread lightly.

What happens when they're fined lightly enough to stay in business is they just passed the fines on to their consumers and in the end have no net detriment.

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