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Heads up from Internet of S*!# land: Best Buy's Insignia 'smart' home gear will become very dumb this Wednesday

Pete 2 Silver badge

Re: Mass extinction?

> Smart TVs do not in fact, demand an internet connection before they work.

For a very limited definition of "work" that opinion can be forgiven. But when a "smart" TV is sold on the basis of the additional features that being "smart" provides it is another matter. Apply the same principles to any other gadget that calls itself "smart". A "smart" phone, for example is only as good as the apps it will run.

A case in point. We bought a top o' the range "smart" TV. Much ado was made about the apps it ran and the benefits they gave the lucky user: Youtube, iPlayer, etc. After about 6 months some of those stopped working - simply because whatever was at the other end of that app stopped providing service. Some time later the TV updated its software and more stuff stopped working. Now, 3 years on, it is nothing more useful than a large screen and a remote control - what with there not being any 4K OTA transmissions. And the internal tuner not being capable of receiving them, if the future brings any

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