Reply to post: Re: Seriously

A stranger's TV went on spending spree with my Amazon account – and web giant did nothing about it for months


Re: Seriously

I also bring enough cash with me to pay for petrol to get home and a meal or two. I could sleep in the car if I had to, but I don't have anyway of creating petrol to put in the tank. The other bonus is cash works if the network is down at the petrol station.

Same. I keep cash or petrol vouchers in the bike helmet and in a tucked-away place in the car (after all, if someone breaks into the car and steals the contents of the glove box, having a $100 in there isn't going to help me - and that's one of the more likely ways I'll wind up wallet-less). I can find a hay-barn or bridge or something on the bike, car's big enough to pass a night or two, but no cash=no gas.

Recently a nearby suburb had a powercut. Was interesting seeing the blank stares on the faces of people who couldn't contemplate the idea of using something so out-dated and unfashionable as cash. But while they were panicking about how long the power would be down, I was still shopping and going about my business as if nothing had happened (and enjoying the lack of artificial light and especially the lack of canned muzak!)

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