Reply to post: Re: Filling station power requirement

Boffins blow hot and cold over li-ion battery that can cut leccy car recharging to '10 mins'

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Filling station power requirement

"Oh boy, so it's gone from a capacity argument to a tax argument now?"

All the other arguments are still valid and you don't even try to overturn them. What was the point?

Claiming that electric cars are common because they are so good, when those get $50k tax reduction per car is basically a lie: Remove tax reduction and electric cars aren't sold at all. That's how "good" they are at actual price.

"I know there are incentives for people to sow FUD with EVs but it's getting very weak now."

Pro-electric car FUD is getting even weaker, I have to say: Not even blatant bribery can be acknowledged.

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