Reply to post: Re: *Standing, thunderous, rowdy ovation*

Just take a look at the carnage on Notepad++'s GitHub: 'Free Uyghur' release sparks spam tsunami by pro-Chinese

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: *Standing, thunderous, rowdy ovation*

@bombastic bob - Bob, dear - socialism and communism are NOT the same thing, do try to keep up! If you bother to check, you would note that some of the nations rated as the happiest in the world are some form of socialist, are rated highly for their high per capita GDP, social care systems, freedom from corruption and long life expectancy - and are democracies.

If you're going to use the word "sewage" whilst talking politics, lets have a look at USA, where aside from there being no effective public health care system, organised suppression and castigation of minorities in the name of "religious freedom", you can't even be sure that water coming out of domestic taps is fit to drink, and there is currently legislation being promulgated by the White House to further endanger the health of the nation's waterways and drinking water - in order to let mining companies do what the heck they like with little oversight. Hmmn, reminds me of some reports I've heard of regarding how things are in China, does that...

The bulk of the "sewage" in politics is that put out by close-minded folk or the power-hungry seeking to try to make politics look as black and white and as simple as possible in order to try to hoodwink folk into following them. And usually involves some form of scape-goating. Politics isn't that simple because humanity isn't that simple. C'mon Bob, stop letting yourself down! Doesn't bother me that you're at a different point in the political spectrum to me - happy to debate, but childish mud-slinging helps nobody.

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