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Boffins blow hot and cold over li-ion battery that can cut leccy car recharging to '10 mins'

rcxb Silver badge

Most people will charge (slowly) at home the vast majority of the time. That includes most of the people at a service station, who will wait until they get home to pay a lower rate for their charge.

Even if you put charging stations at every parking space, they don't have to ALL run simultaneously. Cars will charge in 10 minutes while people remain parked for 30+ minutes while eating, shopping. Some spaces will be empty. It may be less than 10% of the spaces charging at any time. To deal with congestion, just have some monitoring and a count-down timer showing your car will start charging after a bit.

Electric utilities will be happy to supply as much power capacity as you are willing to pay for... You might discover a new metal cabinet on your property that hums and stays rather warm, but there's no major technical hurdle there. Since the service station will make a profit on each car being charged, everyone should be perfectly happy with the arrangement.

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